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Showing posts from January, 2014

What to Spruce Up When Selling Your Home

The National Association of Realtors recently released its  Cost vs. Value Remodeling Report  that found exterior projects like replacing old windows and doors added the most value to a property. Interior projects with high returns were minor kitchen and bath remodels. Results vary by city but in Miami, Fla., some of the projects with the biggest returns were entry door replacements, back-up power generators, and wood deck additions. When renovating your home, consider consulting a Realtor. They have the experience to know what upgrades will give you the best return on your investment. Read the full report.

Eased Lending Standards for Residential Mortgages

  The   Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research Group ’s monthly economic report stated this week that 6.9% of consumers planned to buy a home in December 2013—up from 5% the month before. Economists at Fannie Mae said consumer confidence about getting a mortgage is improving, and is at its highest level in the history of their National Housing Survey . Read the full  Inman article .

New Loan Requirements for Getting a Mortgage

The number of homes purchased with a home loan has been dropping steadily since May, according to RealtyTrac . Instead, cash is king for many reasons. As mortgage rates began creeping up, some homebuyers started opting to purchase with all cash. And that trend may continue as new loan requirements become more strict.   Read more at . . .    RealtyTimes | Real Estate News and Advice