The Florida Constitution requires that we have a balanced budget when we pass our appropriations bill. This is the first year that we have a sizable increase of money over last year projected by the economists doing the revenue estimating for 2015.
The conference committees will start meeting next week to finalize the budget; I serve on that conference committee.
Many legislators have trumpeted their push for tax cuts this year, a projected budget surplus of 1.2 billion also has left the Florida Legislature with money for some hometown projects. The reduction in vehicle fees has been signed by Governor Rick Scott. Sales tax holiday for school items and hurricane supplies and the reduction in communications tax has passed the Senate and are in conference in the House.
The extra money comes after years when the state's economic slowdown forced legislators to slash spending and raise new revenue. The House and Senate have passed rival budgets of roughly $75 billion and have until May 2nd to craft a final budget to send to Governor Scott. Scott then can use his line-item veto to eliminate spending items.
The Governor's office lets members know that Scott is willing to veto dozens of items, even those pushed by leaders of his party. He did so last year.
The veto threat, however, hasn't stopped legislators from requesting items from appropriation committee members of which I am one. Emails, letters and sometimes just a message scrawled on paper show how legislators of both parties push for such requests behind-the-scenes. Sometimes lawmakers forwarded to budget committee chairmen proposals that came straight from the groups - or lobbyists - pushing the budget item.
This session will end on May 2nd. At that time I will tell you about the winners and losers in the budget and review the major bills that passed in the 2014 legislative session.
I look forward to updating you on Session from Tallahassee in my next e-mail.
Gwen Margolis
State Senator, District 35